Teaching Philosophy
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”
                                                                                                 Benjamin Franklin
I totally agree with this quotation because it truly represents today’s aim of the education process. Nowadays, the student is the one who should be involved, the so-called “student-centered” learning.
Children are our future and it all depends on us-the teachers how they teach children to choose the right way for creation of a better future for all of us. This may be accomplished just by those who are really in love with their work, those who like to be in the company of his/her students. This love, of course, goes hand in hand with patience and care for the future creators of a new world.
To my mind a teacher must be a real fan of his/her work. It is not enough to be an excellent teacher and educator, it’s also necessary to be a good actor who knows very well his/her role. This is the role of an outstanding person who is able to attract his/her audience into a positive development.
A teaching philosophy is a system that reveals the characteristics, the goals and objectives of the teaching process; it’s also a system of methods and techniques of teaching students. My teaching philosophy is related to my professional activities. These include my understanding and my attitude towards teaching purposes, the subject and the materials of teaching. First of all, I have the goal and I determine its usage for the development of students’ personality. The object of teaching activities is also the students’ personality.
I believe that teacher’s orientation must be directed towards the students’ interests and goals, thus preparing them for life. Students have to be free in their choice of content and teaching methods. There must be a partnership between students and teacher.
Moreover, a teacher should always develop. S/he must always strive to become a master of his/her trade, even a double master: firstly, he must know his subject deeply, focusing on educational innovations, to be always up-to-date about the discoveries in his subject and secondly, he must know psychology, anatomy and age characteristics of students.
The improvement of pedagogical skills is also a part of teacher’s life. The pedagogical knowledge includes the following:
·      the ability to teach the material
·      the ability to motivate
·      the ability to communicate
A teacher must not forget about the “golden rule”, that is – every child is talented in his own way, but the teacher is the one who finds the necessary approach to reveal this talent.

I believe that the most grateful and the most amazing expectation that a teacher can have while teaching is when the students say “Thank you for your lesson.”

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